Traverse Dieren

Traverse Dieren

In recent years, traffic in and around Dieren regularly got stuck during rush hours. The “Traverse Dieren” (Dieren underpass) will improve traffic flow and create a safe station environment. The entire region will benefit, as through traffic will pass underneath the city through the open tunnel without having to wait for any traffic lights. Local traffic will pass at ground level. Moreover, both halves of Dieren will be reconnected.

In addition to this improved and safer traffic flow, the N348 will be laid as close as possible to the railway line and the Hof te Dieren country estate will be given a more interconnected structure with its surrounding.



Central to the plan is the construction of the 600-metre-long open tunnel for the through traffic at the station. Local traffic will enter and leave the city via the renovated Harderwijkerweg.

The new station area will be designed as a residential area for pedestrians and train passengers, including a pedestrian bridge connecting both station squares. There will be a new parking facility, making parking problems in the area around the station a thing of the past. The bus station is located on the roof of the open tunnel.



For the province of Gelderland, Arthe has performed the following activities:

  • An expert opinion with regard to the contract documents for the tender for the infrastructural design of Traverse Dieren, advising the province and drafting additional designs.
  • Support, consulting and engineering of the designs of the province of Gelderland during the tender and after the contract was awarded.